Holly & Ivy
107 stitches x 107 stitches
On 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen using Needlepoint and Dinky Dyes silk. Embellished with beads. Includes bonus chart and finishing instructions for matching ornament. Kit contains all supplies needed to make both sampler and ornament.
107 stitches x 107 stitches
On 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen using Needlepoint and Dinky Dyes silk. Embellished with beads. Includes bonus chart and finishing instructions for matching ornament. Kit contains all supplies needed to make both sampler and ornament.
107 stitches x 107 stitches
On 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen using Needlepoint and Dinky Dyes silk. Embellished with beads. Includes bonus chart and finishing instructions for matching ornament. Kit contains all supplies needed to make both sampler and ornament.