Peace & Joy
47 stitches x 47 stitches
On 32 Count Dirty Belfast linen using Needlepoint Silk, Rainbow Galleries Whisper and Threadworx floss. Embellished with beads, 4mm green buttons, shell buttons and silk ribbon.
47 stitches x 47 stitches
On 32 Count Dirty Belfast linen using Needlepoint Silk, Rainbow Galleries Whisper and Threadworx floss. Embellished with beads, 4mm green buttons, shell buttons and silk ribbon.
47 stitches x 47 stitches
On 32 Count Dirty Belfast linen using Needlepoint Silk, Rainbow Galleries Whisper and Threadworx floss. Embellished with beads, 4mm green buttons, shell buttons and silk ribbon.