Shining Star
43 stitches x 148 stitches
On 32 count Natural Undyed linen using Needlepoint silk, Dinky Dyes silk and Kreinik Metallics. Embellished with tiny gold star charms and 4 mm buttons. Chart pack includes all embellishments along with the chart.
43 stitches x 148 stitches
On 32 count Natural Undyed linen using Needlepoint silk, Dinky Dyes silk and Kreinik Metallics. Embellished with tiny gold star charms and 4 mm buttons. Chart pack includes all embellishments along with the chart.
43 stitches x 148 stitches
On 32 count Natural Undyed linen using Needlepoint silk, Dinky Dyes silk and Kreinik Metallics. Embellished with tiny gold star charms and 4 mm buttons. Chart pack includes all embellishments along with the chart.