Good Tidings
56 stitches x 167 stitches
On On 32 count Dirty Belfast linen using Dinky Dyes and Needlepoint silk. Embellished with mother of pearl stars and beads. Chart Pack includes stars and beads. Kit includes linen, carded silks, beads and stars along with the chart.
56 stitches x 167 stitches
On On 32 count Dirty Belfast linen using Dinky Dyes and Needlepoint silk. Embellished with mother of pearl stars and beads. Chart Pack includes stars and beads. Kit includes linen, carded silks, beads and stars along with the chart.
56 stitches x 167 stitches
On On 32 count Dirty Belfast linen using Dinky Dyes and Needlepoint silk. Embellished with mother of pearl stars and beads. Chart Pack includes stars and beads. Kit includes linen, carded silks, beads and stars along with the chart.